10th February 2023
Having just completed my second novel and successfully come out of Covid and this cold winter.
The creative mood has started to flow; it's up and running! But what is it that makes the author want to write?
Is it these brighter days and bluer skies? Spring in its vibrant colours emerging from winter's black and grey muddy gloom? A head buzzing with fresh new ideas?
This brings me to the one question that makes me inwardly laugh and love answering. So here goes.
Everyone asks that question. It makes me smile when someone tentatively takes my book, turns it over, and flicks through the pages. (You know what's coming)
"Oh my goodness, where do you get all your idea's from? How did you find the time to write?"
That was once me. In awe of writers, overwhelmed at the thought of starting, let alone finishing, a book. Then one day, after researching an unanswered question. (one that had bugged me for some time). Delving and investigating, I took copious notes, and the more I researched, the more I found that there was a story to be told. Facts merged with fiction and my imagination. I just started and typed words, plots, characters, a beginning, a middle and an ending. No longer procrastinating. I batted away negative thoughts that popped into my mind. 'I'm too busy, too tired, not good enough. Nobody will like it.'
You know what? It doesn't matter. Because if there's life, facts and truths to be uncovered, discovered and preserved, and people still care about each other. If you enjoy entertaining, laughing, loving, and communicating, then that book, my book or your book needs and definitely CAN be written.